Solo exhibition at Koplin Del Rio Gallery!

Wonderful news! I am belated on catching up my newsfeed, but I just finished my extended run for my solo show at Koplin Del Rio Gallery! This was my first in several years and I am so happy to be out there sharing my work again! I had to take a hiatus on my show schedule to develop new work inspired by my move to the Pacific Northwest. It is a retrospective spanning my earlier land-use examinations of landscape, to my Cathedrals of Desire/big box store landscapes and the journey through landscape, personal narratives, mapping and now, the Pacific Northwest and everything that the landscape is teaching me ! The show is down, but you can peruse the work at the Koplin Del Rio Website!

The stages in a painting

The stages in my painting. I always work on about 4-5 paintings at once, taking breaks during the process to make decisions and not over-process.

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working and getting back to work
